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Hoping to learn something...

Hola all,

My name is Kaz, Im 21 (okay, okay..I'm really 35 haha) and I'm from Sydney Australia...the land down under :)

I've been a huge lover of magic and illusion for as long as I can remember. I think I was around 6 or 7 when I had my first interaction with the art. Admittedly, I have always loved to be on the receiving end of magic, but after being hit recently with a health issue, I found myself standing in a department store staring down at a pack of cards on the shelf and thinking "...you know what... this might actually be a great way to keep my mind preoccupied and learn something about the art at the same time!" lol. (Blonde logic, who says you cant teach an old blonde new tricks?)

So, I picked up that deck of cards and headed off to the magic store (after I paid for them of course hahaha...didnt want to start the first day of magic class making a decks of cards disappear from the store shelf, and make a set of steel handcuffs appear magically on my wrists *wink*.....although....the handcuffs could get interesting hahaha *sly smile*).

Anyways, enough babbling. So like some of you, Im only a newbie at this, but hope that Theory11 can help me make the journey into the world of magic a little easier.

*hugs to all*
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Sep 1, 2007
Hi all
I'm Salah from Morroco, and i study computer engeneering, and luv magic & i'v been in magic since 4 years, i'm doing it as a hoby, .

JDstyle : welcome to morocco, may be we can meet someday ;).
David Engel : the local language in morocco is arabic & the second language is french.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
My name is Bizzaro and I'm an alchoholi... wait. wrong meeting.

I have been in magic longer than some of you have been alive. I'm a stage magician at heart who preaches about the importance of character and originality in magic. (For those who have seen me around)

I am here to see what they do with this site and to offer up my weird opinions on magic to those who may want to listen or seek it.

Snatch the hot rod from my hand grasshoppers.
Sep 1, 2007
My name is Scott.
And I'm a coin magician.

I live in Calgary, Alberta (in Canada), and I work at the only magic shop in Calgary (and the biggest retail magic shop in western Canada)- the Vanishing Rabbit Magic Shop.

I do coin tricks. It's what I do.
My biggest influences are by Shoot Ogawa, Michael Rubinstein, and David Roth, to name a few.

I am addicted to this type of magic. Sleight of hand fascinates me.

For those of you who want to see my work, come into the shop some time and say hi.

I'm in the process of writing out a lot of my original work with coins... eventually, I hope that some of you will be doing my stuff. I have a routine that I like to call "Scott and Soda" that I think will be a hit with all of you.

Presently I am going through Harry Lorayne's APOCALYPSE book set, and I'm finding some very interesting (and old!) coin stuff to adapt and work with. That's where the real good magic is; in old books and magazines like that.

Some of you will know me from other online forums.
(E, the cafe, 2dee, etc.)
My username is Kardillusions on those sites.

Just as an offer, if anyone has any questions on their coin stuff, feel free to send me a pm or email. If I can't help, I'll find someone who can.


(from the Vanishing Rabbit)
Aug 31, 2007
Amman, Jordan
Hey guys and girls. Ive been interested in Magic for a long time. I think it was from those David Copperfield specials they used to run on tv. Anyways what happened to that guy? I always loved Magic, the ability to do impossible things possible blew my mind away. For me the greatest reward is the astonishment you see in a person's eyes, the disbelief after I've pulled off a well performed card trick. Also I think it's super cool and can help you get the ladies.:D. I'm new to Magic only a few months in. To me Magic is the ultimate hobby and I hope to change it into a profession one day. Just moved to Jordan and Magic is unheard of here, so I'm really excited to be able to do my bit for the cause.
Sep 1, 2007
Good afternoon/however the day finds you..

My name is Darryn and I perform under the name Max DeVill. I have been doing magic for about 4 years and have just gotten into escapology. I am 29 and am currently deployed to Iraq with the US Army.

Magic to me is entertainment, pure and simple. It is our job to take people away from reality for just a moment. It allows them to forget their troubles for just a minute... sort of like a drug.

And thunderous applause doesn't hurt my ego either. :)
Aug 31, 2007
I'm from the UK and been into card magic for just under a year, and flourishing about 6 months.

I'm very much at guy that only uses a single standard deck of cards, hence my name :)
Hey everyone, my names Adam and like gimmickless i'm from the UK(rock on). When i was about 12 i started getting into magic, i had a few of those really cheesy magic sets, and a few trick decks and i wasn't too long before i stopped. However i'm 16 now and last year i visited America and went in a magic shop just to have a look and ended up spending quite a bit, since then i've really gotten back into magic and i love it.

I love impromptu close up effects, and since i got The Trilogy i've got into flourishing, i'm really looking forward to seeing what this site will accomplish :D

Sep 1, 2007
Hy all,

i'm Card Artist from Austria. I'm a Flourisher/Manipulator and beside that i enjoy sleight of hand magic.

Glad to be here to meet some new interesting people.
Sep 1, 2007
My name is Anton, I'm turning 16 in two days. I am best at card magic but I know a few mentalism and coin effects. I began magic at a young age although it wasn't really the hard hitting kind of stuff. I became serious with magic only about two years ago. I am a suporter of Ellusionist and alot of what I know comes from them. My favorite effects are Strange Travelers, Stigmata, and Revolution Coin Vanish.
At a young age, magic was just a way to impress people and get attention. I was a very attention seeking person. (I still am know but I've learned to control myself.) Now, I see magic differently. It is an art. It should be preserved and respected. Different people see it differently. Like all other art works, not everyone gets entertained.
In the world of art, magic is like an "endangered specie". It's slowly dying out because of all the exposure in this world. I will be proud to do what I can to help preserve magic.
More about me: I'll admit it now, I have done my share in exposing. I saw what was wrong with what I did and it is something not to be repeated. As a person who used to expose, I have learned the reason behind it. Exposure for me is a way for people to gain more attention when their performance and/or tricks did not satisfy the audience enough. Sometimes, "not so experienced" magicians expect people to follow them everywhere begging to repeat or learn a trick. Trust me, this kind of attention is not something you will ever get and exposure won't make this happen either.
I think I've said too much now, I'll end my post with this: I hope to enjoy my stay in these forumns and I beleive that theoy 11 has the potential to become number 1!
Sep 1, 2007
Well, I am here bcause of the hype:p No just kidding...that contributed to it but it said it was the revolution of magic. I look forward to seeing whats new and how the people interact here. I am sad that Decknique is shutting down, but it is all for the best.

I am about making people forget about life itselft and think of nothing other than magic. The unknown and the undiscovered. Pure astonishment is what I am about. Close-up magic...bizarre magic and possibly coin magic is what I am about. I twist peoples reaity so far that they think they aren't on planet earth anymore. Thast what I am about.

I think that everyone as a community will do well enough and help eachother out without putting them down or hurting there feelings. If this is possible, which it is then, I hope it happenes soon enough.

Matt LaBonte - Magician and Cardist
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Sep 1, 2007
Hello everybody.

My name is David, I'm 24 and from the Isle of Man (U.K.). Been a serious student of magic for about 3 years now, although my interest in the subject dates back til when I was about 7 years old. Recently I turned semi-pro, doing corporate gigs etc. at an average rate of twice a month.

Like many others, I started off heavily into cards, and I still am, however my recent experiences performing in the "real world" have started me down the path of learning different kinds of effects - rope and ring, finger rings, elastic bands and some coin/money work.

I am a keen creator and many items in my repertoire are my own; one effect I am particularly proud of takes the colour changing deck in a slightly different direction and is currently my signiature piece, having gone down well in front of various audiences from laypeople right up to professional magicians in Las Vegas.

I am here for several reasons; curiosity to see what this place is going to turn out to be, to talk magic with other magicians and because I have a lot of respect for several of the creators of the site.

Why am I here...? Well , I love Magic..allways have.. I am 30 yrs. old , a father of 5 boys and 1 girl . I live in Roanoke VA. , Moved here from Boston Mass. a few years ago to slow down my life and enjoy some things. One of the benifits of moving here is that I have more time for my family and the things I love. One of those being this Artform .... I enjoy performing for people Period. I love cards and , I couldn't picture a day with out them ... I am a hobbyist ..Who practices every day and takes it seriously .. I don't plan on making a living with this as I have different ways to do that .. I am just doing this because it feels right and it is what I want to do... I will be around these forums and I look forward to having many good conversations with all of you in the future.
Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I am just here to enjoy the magic and hopefully learn something new every now and then. The 100+ page thread on the Cafe perked up my ears a bit so I had to see what this was all about anyways. I must admit I am disappointed it is just another magic site....I was hoping to find out who shot Kennedy or if there really were aliens after all this hubbub! Just kidding, it's great to be here and hopefully T11 will be a great resource for everyone to learn from.

I am just here to enjoy the magic and hopefully learn something new every now and then. The 100+ page thread on the Cafe perked up my ears a bit so I had to see what this was all about anyways. I must admit I am disappointed it is just another magic site....I was hoping to find out who shot Kennedy or if there really were aliens after all this hubbub! Just kidding, it's great to be here and hopefully T11 will be a great resource for everyone to learn from.


Alins shot Kennedy ...SHhhh.....
I'm Allan.

I'm from Norway, and I am seventeen years old.
Now for a very short biography, please bear with me through it, and I'm sure you get to know me as well as I know myself.

I was born in Norway. Grew up in Norway. And right now, I live in..Norway.
My childhood was a very easy one, I had a lot of liberty, and with no brothers or sisters there to bother me, I was pretty much a spoilt little bastard.

Well, I got interested in magic at around 5-6, and started out with that little cute magic kit..you know..

So, when I was like.. 7 years old, I entered a school contest at the school I went to (heck, I was in 2nd grade) and, I somehow butchered the effect I did so well during practice, and messed up.

Now most kids would have just started crying and went off the stage or whatever.

Allan, however, he learned a lesson. He found out about the thing we today call nervousity. A very interesting discovery indeed.

So, does he quit magic? N.. I mean, yes. For a while.

The following two years or so I get teased by older kids, "Show us a trick, magicican!" "Oh no, don't make us vanish" and so on, every [insert R-rated word here] day.

Well, during those two years I had secretly practiced, and actually learnt how to handle audiences and people a lot better, having becoming confident when performing for family and relatives (we all know what they can be like).

So, I go out and I own those older kids.. the end..

Oh, wait. damn.. I'm 17 now, not 9.

So, I take another break from magic.

At 11, I get into sleight-of-hand magic, and that primarily with coins. A month pass. I find out coins is not my field, and move over to cards.
When I'm 14, I meet Christopher Hestnes (who is over at Dan and Dave, and Decknique), who turns out to live very close to me.
He introduces me to Dan and Dave and their material. My life changes, as I am thrown into the professional world of magic. I start picking up the best of the best literature, and practicing and practicing and practicing. And.. here I am, today, with a fairly large knowledge of magic, a somewhat smaller knowledge of card flourishes, and a little arsenal of both effects and card flourishes, although my effects/sleights arsenal is probably ten times larger the card flourishes one.. Then again, maybe I only know one flourish.

I come here because I stand for what Theory 11 stands for.

Quality above quantity.

That.. and Aaron Fisher.

Sep 1, 2007

man I'll be asking you for help on a stage show I'm attempting to come up with

Scott, my friend just moved to alberta, I may call him up and tell him to head over there, i'll tell him to say I sent him :-D

Darryn, It's good to have a escapologist (is that a word?) on here, I love escapology and would love to know a lot more than I do. And I'm sure you hear this a lot, but seriously man, thanks for serving our country, I don't necessarily agree with you being over there (not specifically you, I think the plan of the war is pointless and were risking so many lives for a lost cause.) But thanks for serving us, really truely.

lux-fierre, leave that past behind and your welcome anytime and happy birthday in two days

Hi guys, my names Fraser Sorensen, and i'm 15 years old.

Some of you might know me from the Penguin forums, I sometimes visit Ellusionist and post there, and even more rarely, I take a trip to the Cafe.

I have been doing magic for the best part of seven years, but do not consider myself of anything short of an ammateur hobbyist.

I could be described as a Drama Geek (or attention seeker), but I can only see that as a compliment. I have played the Trumpet up to Grade Six standard over the last seven years, as well as playing tennis for that period also.

I like to think of myself as a down-to-earth guy with a ridiculous sense of humour. I always like to talk, so don't hesitate to hit the PM button if you need a chat.

Alternatively, my myspace can be found here.
Sep 1, 2007

I've seen you around a couple times, welcome to the forums, 7 years is a long time man, I'd love to see a video of some of the stuff you've worked on.

man I think I have a good sense of humor, and that really helps in magic (atleast I like to think I do)

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