Unconventional Book Suggestions

Jul 13, 2009

This is a book suggestion thread but not magic books. I feel I have enough magic to last a lifetime. What I am looking for are book recommendations about interaction between humans. I have read books such as "The Game" the pickup artists story the author's name escapes my mind right at the moment.

I am looking for books I can possibly find on Barnes and Nobles website, and in store. Pickup chicks books are great but I am sure there are other books that are even more extensive onto how to be successful in making positive first impressions on a group, how to use body language, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advanced,

Jul 13, 2009
So you're looking for like charisma?

No I am looking for a book to better human to human communication and interaction. It really is quite important for people to be successful at close up magic on the street. Street magic.

spades894 said:
Quirkology, and The Psychology of Everyday Things.

Quirkology the book is more or less what I am looking for, The psychology for everyday things though useful for another subject I am studying isn't exactly what I am looking for thanks for the suggestions though, they are appreciated.

DaveyG said:
I highly recommend, "Stu the Cockatoo is New at the Zoo." Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Mrf, I probably would of done something like that as well.


The other author I have looked at is "Dale Carnegie" If you are familiar with his work, I am looking for recommendations of other books like what he has written.
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Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
Hmm...I have a couple...but I'm not sure if I'm willing to share.

Casear, 7.

Yogat Zgt. His books are incredible.
The keywords for the next book are: Oanu Ighxlz.

Good luck. Amazing, theatrical, inspiring works.



vp of development
Team member
Aug 5, 2007
A few off the top of my head:

- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini
- The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene (and anything else from him, for that matter)
- Introducing NLP by Joseph O'Connor
- Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
Jul 13, 2009

Thanks to everyone so far, Mr. Raiker, Njillusionist, Enigma, Davey(Just for giving he a giggle) for your recommendations it'll keep me happily busy between tests and homework.
Feb 12, 2008
i highly recomend anything by Robert Greene. The 48 Laws of Power is one of my favorite books of all time. Also the Art of Seduction as Mr. Raiker pointed out is good as well.
Oct 12, 2009
Navarre, Florida
Two off the top of my head that I found:

The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allen and Barbara Pease was incredibly insightful. If you haven't read anything on body language I highly recommend it.
Sep 3, 2007
I got one that I read but I don't think it made ME any nicer:

How to win friends and influence people. My dad gave me that book.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
What I am looking for are book recommendations about interaction between humans.


I think that many of the books that have been suggested are designed to tell you the "secrets" of how to manipulate communication to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, many of those books fail due to a lack of coordination between the messages sent via verbal communication and nonverbal communication and a failure to account for the context of the relationship. Think of a 14 year-old going up to Ashley Greene and asking her "Do you want to join me for a drink after work?" versus a 25 year-old asking the same question to a co-worker. What may work for the author, my not work for the reader because of that lack of coordination.

I think you are better off understanding the underlying concepts of interpersonal communication. Try a book like The Basics of Interpersonal Communication by Scott McLean. Most of the other books on the subject are costly textbooks. You can find that book for less than $10 on Amazon.

Another good book is How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes. Although some of the techniques are a little over the top, there is a lot of good advice in there. Her advice works well if you utilize it in a sincere manner (e.g. really be interested in people you meet rather than just faking interest).

The last book I will recommend is Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is not a book about communication per se (although it does discuss listening and negotiation), but is a book about being successful in all aspects of your life. In many ways, that book is about aligning your principles with your actions (which includes how you communicate with others).


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
If you want to communicate with your audience you can check out Verbal Magic by Juan Tamariz. I heard that book has great information. And maybe Five Points of Magic by Juan as well. Hope this helps.


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