The ENTIRE site - videos included - is 100% iPhone and iPad compatible. If things aren't working perfectly right now, they will very very soon!
My reactions to this new site:
HOLY CRAP! My eyes!
Holy crap, my finger nails are dirty.
Wow this is a terrific new layout.
click click
So smoke isn't like Warning?
Hmm more playing cards...awesome |3
I must be in heaven, cause I went toward the light.
I'm liking the new logo... will it be added to all old items, such as Centurions and the boxes of older tricks?
i totally agree with andrei, i cant wait to get smoke a colorblind. soo psyched!I personally love the new site design, it's brighter, upbeat, sleek.... and best of all - HAPPY! YAY!ha
Not to mention the fact that it's very user friendly, intuitive, and highly advanced for browsing and locating magic/cardistry tricks and effects.
Sentinels feel great, the most amazing box I've ever seen - the metallic ink is just insane.
Love it!
-Andrei Jikh