If you guys are reading this message, you are on our shiny new theory11 site! This has been a MASSIVE undertaking for us over the past several months - not to mention all of the new products you will see around it. There has not been a single night this week that I went to sleep before sunrise, and that echoes to most of the rest of our team as well. In particular, I'd like to give a massive shout out to Richard, Anand, Andrei, Bryant, Raiker, and Dan White for countless sleepless nights in preparation of everything you see tonight.
We are far from complete. There may still be bugs and issues around. We will be working through the night tonight to fix them all - and we apologize for the delay in the launch time this evening. We thought we had everything in working order, but some unexpected issues popped up at the last moment!
Take a look around and get used to our new home. If you see things that aren't working too great, don't worry - we're already fixing many things as we speak. By morning, many of the bugs you notice will be squashed. With regard to the new products, the SENTINELS are live now - as is SMOKE and COLORBLIND and the Invisible Deck DVD with Justin Kredible. Our new version of the iPhone Rising Card is complete and, pending confirmation from Apple, will be released soon with full compatibility with iOS4. Oh - and did I mention CoinONE is now BACK in stock with a new second edition? Yep!
So many exciting things! We appreciate your patience with us tonight and hope you love the new shiznit!
We are far from complete. There may still be bugs and issues around. We will be working through the night tonight to fix them all - and we apologize for the delay in the launch time this evening. We thought we had everything in working order, but some unexpected issues popped up at the last moment!
Take a look around and get used to our new home. If you see things that aren't working too great, don't worry - we're already fixing many things as we speak. By morning, many of the bugs you notice will be squashed. With regard to the new products, the SENTINELS are live now - as is SMOKE and COLORBLIND and the Invisible Deck DVD with Justin Kredible. Our new version of the iPhone Rising Card is complete and, pending confirmation from Apple, will be released soon with full compatibility with iOS4. Oh - and did I mention CoinONE is now BACK in stock with a new second edition? Yep!
So many exciting things! We appreciate your patience with us tonight and hope you love the new shiznit!