Bringing People to Jesus through Magic

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Sep 3, 2007
Dave(and everyone else of course), I'm one of those people that doesn't like to be "preached" to. God gave me a brain and I'm fully capable of reading the bible and interpreting it. I don't like others to think for me. So, if your goal is to spread the word. Do it as a magic presentation. I would be happy to listen and see your interpretation of religion through the vehicle of magic. I would not however want to watch your magic and afterwards talk about something I feel is personal to me. Make sense?

Sep 27, 2007
I haven't had a chance to read through all the replies here yet, but I hope I can find the time to do so later. I've got a few things I feel like saying though after reading what I have.

I'm right there with you Dave when it comes to getting frustrated with all the misconceptions and their sources in today's world. It's hard to share God's message of unconditional love to anyone when they start putting up walls at the mention of Jesus. And I agree with you when you say you don't blame them for that. I can see how they would come to the conclusion that they're about to be judged, looked down upon, or insulted. But that's not the goal at all. God came to save the world, not condemn it. He loves everyone (read that as murderers, thieves, cheaters, manipulators, good, bad, everyone).

Someone mentioned the idea that people have used magic in an attempt to instantly convert people. The fact that they're trying to "convert" them at all really shows that they've lost touch with what God's message is all about. I don't even like the word "religion." Religion is man's attempt to find God. Christianity is all about God coming to us. Christianity isn't a religion, it just means you have a personal (and how cool is that?) relationship with God.

Magic in a situation like this is, to me, just a fun and casual way to share God with someone. I think it's a lot easier to present God's truth with someone when they feel comfortable around you. I think that helps them realize that you're not trying to force anything on them, you're not trying to convert them or any of that religious stuff. You're just a guy like them, someone who enjoys entertainment, but someone who has news that could change their life (whether or not it changes it is ENTIRELY up to them).


Okay, I think that's all I really wanted to say about the topic. I do have a trick I like to use to help present God's message though. It's really just a throw vanish (using the tenkai palm) with a double sided card (seven of spades on one side, seven of hearts on the other, though any face value will work as long as you get the different colors).

I show them the seven of spades and then say:

"Let's say this card represents a person's sin, the darkness in them, the bad things they've done. Lying, cheating, things like that. Now, God can take that sin, and make it disappear." (I then perform the vanish and continue talking):

"And no matter how many times we bring it back, no matter how many times we sin again (I then produce the card), God will always get rid of it again." (Again, I perform the vanish and continue):

"Now, the reason he can do that is because his son, Jesus, came and died on a cross, covering our sin with his blood." (At this point I then produce the card, but use my fingers to flip it so the seven of hearts is facing the spectator. I'm not sure how to describe it in anymore detail than that. Just play around with it and you'll get it). "So that when God looks at us, he doesn't see our sin. He sees the blood of his son and his perfect record."

There you have it. It's not the best, but it's all I've come up with so far as far as Christian themed tricks go.
Aug 31, 2007
What happened to "No arguing"?

I think we are doing great :) The best way not to argue is to respond with kindness and love or not respond at all. Lets just be thankful for all of the positive and constructive contributions that we have gotten thus far.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
What I would like to do is combine these two methods, Maybe do the effect that could be a visual explanation then refer back to that effect when you start sharing the Gospel.

What are your thoughts on this?

I like this idea a lot. In fact now that I'm thinking about it I have definitely referenced magic when sharing the gospel. One time in particular, I had shown this student some tricks earlier in the evening, then as you finished up, and after the devotional, she came up and started asking some questions about God, I then showed her a coins across routine and after talked about how even though we don't know what is going on where we can't see, God similarly is working in the Christian's life to make sure that all things work for good and for a purpose etc.

More Magic for Jesus

Doing “Magic for Jesus”. Geeez, how many times has such a thread been made? Here is my honest opinion:
Magic is a form of theatrics. Theatrics have been used to convert, convince, scare, intimidate, or otherwise brow beat people into Christianity. Speaking in tongues is a prime example. It’s almost like saying, “Hey look at me, I love Jesus just a little more then you because I spout pre rehearsed jibberish. If you want to use Jesus as a reason, or excuse to do magic, then have at it. Best of luck to you. Personally, if I want to be preached to, I’ll go to church, if I want to see magic, I’ll go to a magic show.
To me the entire “religion” thing comes down to two basic truths
“Religion” is man’s feeble attempt to impress God.
#2 Religion is for those who are scared of Hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been there.

That is how I see it.

Curtis “Miles of Magic”
Sep 2, 2007
Doing “Magic for Jesus”. Geeez, how many times has such a thread been made? Here is my honest opinion:
Magic is a form of theatrics. Theatrics have been used to convert, convince, scare, intimidate, or otherwise brow beat people into Christianity. Speaking in tongues is a prime example. It’s almost like saying, “Hey look at me, I love Jesus just a little more then you because I spout pre rehearsed jibberish. If you want to use Jesus as a reason, or excuse to do magic, then have at it. Best of luck to you. Personally, if I want to be preached to, I’ll go to church, if I want to see magic, I’ll go to a magic show.
To me the entire “religion” thing comes down to two basic truths
“Religion” is man’s feeble attempt to impress God.
#2 Religion is for those who are scared of Hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been there.

That is how I see it.

Curtis “Miles of Magic”

We are not using Jesus as an excuse to do magic. We are using a talent that we have to serve him. You say that you don't want to be preached to, but I have to ask why you bothered to click on this thread and read it? Were you drawn to it by your hatred of Christians or something else?

You said, "Religion is man's feeble attempt to impress God." Jesus would agree with you!!! Religion is man looking for God. Christianity is the opposite. God is seeking to find us. We are the ones that are lost. Not Him!
Aug 31, 2007
How about Gospel specific effects and gimmicks. Is there anything out there that is made specifically for this? Tracts for example that we can use in a effect then give to the people afterwards. I think it would be cool to have something like maybe a custom deck(maybe gaff deck) that has something that kinda blends in with the back of the card. Something that wouldn't stand out right away but when the person looks closer they see it. Maybe some cards with illustrations on the face what with a few changes he can tell the story of his walk his death and his resurrection. Maybe to something that would help us use a visual explanation of what exactly repentance means(could be done with a simple color change). Is this even a good Idea ?


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
How about Gospel specific effects and gimmicks. Is there anything out there that is made specifically for this? Tracts for example that we can use in a effect then give to the people afterwards. I think it would be cool to have something like maybe a custom deck(maybe gaff deck) that has something that kinda blends in with the back of the card. Something that wouldn't stand out right away but when the person looks closer they see it. Maybe some cards with illustrations on the face what with a few changes he can tell the story of his walk his death and his resurrection. Maybe to something that would help us use a visual explanation of what exactly repentance means(could be done with a simple color change). Is this even a good Idea ?

It could be a great idea. I've seen lots of different things like you're describing.
We need to remember that the church works best when it is weak. Yes, we can get numbers through mega-churches an glitz and glamor, or impressing others with our incredible feats of entertainment. However it remains that our humble service will be far more effective in truly sharing the message that we need to proclaim.

Imagine for a moment: two people. One says they came to know Jesus because a guy did some amazing trick with a deck of cards and they understood who Jesus was through/because of it.
The other says they were so touched by the thoughtfulness of their neighbors service during their time of trial, and they learned that Jesus was the reason, and they repented and believed.

Now if we are doing tricks to get people into the front door of a church, that's fine, but we need to remember that churches with big front doors, also have big back doors.

We need to be real and honest with people and share a real Jesus with them. A Jesus who was humble and meek and a servant who came to be the light of this world, and the perfect sacrifice.

If we find a way to do this humbly that involves magic, that's great! But I am doubtful that illusions are the best and most effective way to do this. Love and service and humility are going to go a lot further.

Perhaps doing a free show for a church or charity event, or for a family who can't afford it, or volunteering at your local hospital or elderly or disabled home etc.; perhaps this would be using magic to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ..

Hope those thoughts weren't too disjointed!

In His grip,
Aug 31, 2007
Well said Justin,

Being an Evangelist I run to a lot of opposition. Not so much from the secular world, more so with so-called Christians or even Those who are truly saved but are babes or mislead by the man centered Gospel. I am either told that We shouldn't be bugging other people or that I shouldn't be talking about sin or hell, or that we shouldn't be going around calling people sinners. Another thing that I get is that that it is stupid when you witness to people and hand out tracts because there is no discipleship. People think it is better to have the church more people friendly and now we are in times where instead of being true to the Gospel and staying strong with the true message the Church tries it's hardest to bring people in by taking the lead of the secular world. In other words The Church tries to mimic the the secular world and comply with more liberal ideals to attract more people. Just like Justin said, they pull all these people through those huge doors and either they are caught up in the Man Center Gospel or they find themselves going right back out of those Huge exits.

Why did I get into Evangelism ? Because time is too short. There is only one certain thing in this life and that is that you are going to die. You don't know how or when it could happen..... As Christians we are disciples of Jesus and Jesus told us to go to every corner of the earth and preach the Gospel to every living creature. If we take our time to try to build a relationship with the people we may end up being too late. That is why it is important to tell people the complete truth, that everyone sins and that sinning comes with stiff consequences, at the same time we have to show how much We are loved by God. I don't agree with those who preach Hell and Brimstone all the time and fail to reveal God's Love. His love shines through more then anything else in the bible and in our lives. But he is just and he has laws and there is a punishment to breaking those laws. He has to be just and enforce those laws to his standards(perfectly). But more importantly, even though he must be just he loves us and wants us to be with him soo much, Jesus Christ paid for our transgressions with his blood so that we could have everlasting life. This gift is completely free to us, All we have to do is believe.

Today, in this time, the emerging church is teaching more of a man centered Gospel. They are turning Christianity into a Self-improvement course. " Want to be Wealthy? Want to have everything that you Desire? Want to be happy and the best life ever? Ask Jesus into your Heart!" It does not work that way. Jesus will change you, he will help you turn from you sins(in fact you can't do it without him) . Your desires change with that to him and his love. Your wealth an prosperity is in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and in the Body of Christ.

Ok, Ok, I know it may seem like I am preaching but that is not what I am trying to do. I believe that the reason we run into some of the issues that we are running into is because of these things. Thats why I am talking about it.

I would like to maybe see someone post on personal experiences using Magic as the ice breaker. Negative and positive from those you have witnessed and those who have been witnessed to. Maybe together in a joint effort we can come up with a more effective method. No, not a more effective method of converting people necessarily, a more effective method of sharing the truth and dealing with the misconceptions , misrepresentation, and stereotypes of Christianity.
Aug 31, 2007

Since it seems that no one is interested in perusing this discussion, please go ahead and removed this thread so that no one may be offended and/or to prevent immature responses.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
heh, funny enough, I just got back from my class today, and one of the guys is assisting the youth pastor at his church and asked me if I would be interested in coming to do some magic and share my testimony with the students. I agreed, so I'll keep you posted with an update.

Oct 6, 2007
ok. i agree with what you are saying about being a good person but if you did not want to start debate you wouldent have posted this at all, just by posting this you are being hypocritical you are saying that you do not want to pressure people into anything then continue by saying we are all condemed to a lake of fire however arguing about this subject never gets you anywhere with anybody of a religious standpoint beacuse it is all part of the balance without people like you who belive what you do there wouldent be people like me who belive what I do that is what makes us different. So if you belive eveyone who doesent belive what you do is condemed already thats your belif I do not belive in christainity or jesus or hell however I will not say i do not belive in a higher power and I will not say I do belive I have no proof either way. What is your proof on beliving what you do?
Aug 31, 2007
ok. i agree with what you are saying about being a good person but if you did not want to start debate you wouldent have posted this at all, just by posting this you are being hypocritical you are saying that you do not want to pressure people into anything then continue by saying we are all condemed to a lake of fire however arguing about this subject never gets you anywhere with anybody of a religious standpoint beacuse it is all part of the balance without people like you who belive what you do there wouldent be people like me who belive what I do that is what makes us different. So if you belive eveyone who doesent belive what you do is condemed already thats your belif I do not belive in christainity or jesus or hell however I will not say i do not belive in a higher power and I will not say I do belive I have no proof either way. What is your proof on beliving what you do?

Actually, if you read the initial post that I started off with you would understand that this is not a debate. I was clear on the intent of this thread and the guidelines that I would have like to see respected to prevent all debates. I didn't come on this forum and post this thread to evangelize and/or preach to you. If you are reallying interested in proof or evidence send me a PM, I'll give it to you. You you are just trying to bate me or others into a debate or argument please follow my aforementioned requests out of respect and maturity.
Aug 31, 2007
Once Again, Forum Administration,

Can you please remove this Thread. It is apparent that even with the guidelines and the care taken to to stay on track with the intended topic the over all maturity level is not where we can respect each other and our wishes. Unfortunately, I don't think that anything constructive is going to to come out of this. I want to apologize to those of you who ere interested in this discussion that we were not able to stay on focus. May God continue to bless you on your walk with him. Thank you to everyone who observed and respected my requests and guidelines and those of you who stay stead on the topic. God Bless

I acknowledge this is an old thread that apparently went in the wrong direction... but I thought it was initially written in the right spirit. With that, I think it's a pertinent topic to revive with the Holidays and all.

Admittedly, I'm relatively new to doing magic professionally. You can tell by the (meager) living I'm making out of it. It's funny. I perform every night of the week, but the majority of my efforts are spent volunteering my services to local churches and shelters. Although I'm fully capable of earning more than I currently am, I think it's an important thing to give back to the community and share a genuine connection with people.

Jesus' story is an amazing one, regardless if you believe in the character or not. I learned about His life and trials through doing magic for church functions in my area. The passion people share for Him to this day is really captivating-- much moreso than any reaction a magic trick you and I can muster. This really intrigued me and inspired me to study Jesus at great lengths. Learning the Bible was an amazing experience for me. I felt liberated to an extent and wanted to share that same excitement with other people. I suppose that's why I perform at churches so often. Jesus' story facilitates that personal connection I look for all the time.

I don't consider myself an evangelist of any sort, but I do occasionally spread the word using magic when I feel it's appropriate. At a Christian banquet, I performed for an important pastor at the head table. I overheard him having a conversation with his peers about troubles in his church and how it was straining to hold itself up financially. It reminded me of a pretty cliche inspirational Bible passage that most Christians are familiar with, Romans 1:17. It speaks about how a small amount of faith in God can accomplish great, extraordinary things. I scrawled "Romans 1:17" on a piece of paper napkin and set up my Angel Case to perform it.

I finally got around to doing my set for the head table, and used the pastor to close it with a remarkably personal effect. I had him initial a piece of paper torn from a napkin and place it inside the card case. With the case in his hands, I knelt beside him and offered a small prayer about encouraging the church and having faith in Jesus to ensure the welfare of everyone present at the table. After praying with him, I mentioned that sometimes people's personal concerns are answered on the piece of paper in the case. Naturally, when the pastor opened the case and saw the transformation of the scripture, he burst out laughing and and shook my hand firmly for encouraging him so convincingly. The rest of the table followed suit and the performance was the talk of the evening through dinner.

This was just a quick story to share. I hope it held some importance for some of the members here. I think it's important to use magic in other ways than meager shock-and-amazement. I think magic is an excellent way to encourage people and motivate them to do something more with their lives. This isn't meant to be another gospel by any means. I just wanted to show that the craft is capable of achieving a lot more than we give it credit. Regardless of faith, I think it's important that we see magic as a nice way to connect with people on a raw, emotionally constructive level. I hope we can use it to our benefits as well as the benefit of others through the Holidays.

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May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
I'm not going to lie here, I haven't read through all of the replies to the original post, these are my immediate thoughts.

How can you do magic and still call yourself a Christian? Well I am not personally religious, however I feel that magic is a good thing to do. If you claim to have supernatural powers, this may be bordering the limits. But think about it. You are entertaining. You are making people happy. I personally wouldn't use magic as a way of convincing people of God, I would use it as a means to tell a story. Take for instance the story of The Professor's Nightmare used to convey sin. This isn't saying 'God is real and here's the proof', nor is it claiming supernatural powers, it is relaying a message in a way that everyone can understand. You aren't preaching to somebody with it going in one ear and out the other, you have a story with a message and this is much better.

Another point is that magic is often used to make people happy in bad situations. Search Theory11. There's a fair amount of stories of people that do magic in hospitals or care homes. There's one really touching story of how a magician made a child's dad return from a war. Think of the happiness this would bring. Think of the effect this could have on somebody that might not get better. Look at that and then tell me that magic is not Christian. Isn't a large part of Christianity (or a lot of religions for that matter) about giving to others? Well this is that, in it's rawest sense. I don't think there's much you can do more Christian than performing and entertaining a cancer patient, for example.

As I said, I haven't really read all the responses due to a lack of time and willpower. If I've rementioned anything, apologies. However these are my immediate thoughts. Thanks for reading.

I don't think the original poster was talking about using magic as a way to decieve people into believing in the existence of God. He was merely sharing how magic can be effectively used to raise necessary questions or inspire genuine interest in learning more about Christianity. I think it's a commendable way to not only entertain an audience but also share one's faith with one as well.

How can you do magic and still call yourself a Christian?

I don't understand the question. How is simply being a magician considered "un-Christian"? As long as people are not being taken advantage of or unethically deceived, I think it's perfectly acceptable. I understand there's an argument about cold-readers like John Edward and Slyvia Brown conning people unethically, but what they do and what the majority of magicians do are completely different animals. As you stated-- doing magic for entertainment is harmless. And from what I gather, that's merely what all other Christian magicians do-- perform to entertain.


In any case, magic is a good thing. It's a great way to interact and communicate with an audience and learn more about who one another are. I think this thread was meant to inspire how to use magic as a medium to reach out to a specific audience. Some teachers use magic as a way to teach a lesson. Some advertisers use magic as a way to sell a product. This thread was focusing on how evangelists can use magic to introduce God.



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