Christian Magic

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Jul 19, 2009
Pensyko I would like to know what you have achieved out of this thread so far. There has been a lot of interesting and valid points and I'd like to point out what mr.Epic Ice said, that it could easily backfire. Good point, it could also be a great tool for you to express yourself, but I'm just starting to repeat myself.

What have you came up with so far?
Nov 11, 2009
Pensyko I would like to know what you have achieved out of this thread so far. There has been a lot of interesting and valid points and I'd like to point out what mr.Epic Ice said, that it could easily backfire. Good point, it could also be a great tool for you to express yourself, but I'm just starting to repeat myself.

What have you came up with so far?

well I have gotten some advise on some products to look into
and I have definently got some stuff that I need to research
But who cares if it will backfire in one performance. See, the diference between a gospel magician and a regular magician is that a gospel magician is performing for God and not just the audience. So if people get offended when I tell them of the love of Christ than I'm sorry and it was not my intention and anyways unless I do it locally I will most likely not see any of them again so if I can plant the seed than im ok :)


Jul 19, 2009
well I have gotten some advise on some products to look into
and I have definently got some stuff that I need to research
But who cares if it will backfire in one performance. See, the diference between a gospel magician and a regular magician is that a gospel magician is performing for God and not just the audience. So if people get offended when I tell them of the love of Christ than I'm sorry and it was not my intention and anyways unless I do it locally I will most likely not see any of them again so if I can plant the seed than im ok :)
Hmm interesting view on the matter. Do you believe it's more important to spread the gospel than it is to make your performance magical? I definitely think your performances will be badly hurt unless you put the audience and their magical experience as your first priority.

I kind of get the impression that your main concern is to "plant the seeds", and then you can do your magic as a medium? Or am I misunderstanding something? If that's the case I believe you will truly remove a lot of potential from your performances.

Since the term gospel magician is completely new to me (being a Swede means that my meeting with Christians are very rare, unless they're old conservative people. Seeing so many believers here was kind of a surprise) I might have ignored the point of it.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Hmm interesting view on the matter. Do you believe it's more important to spread the gospel than it is to make your performance magical? I definitely think your performances will be badly hurt unless you put the audience and their magical experience as your first priority.

I kind of get the impression that your main concern is to "plant the seeds", and then you can do your magic as a medium? Or am I misunderstanding something? If that's the case I believe you will truly remove a lot of potential from your performances.

Since the term gospel magician is completely new to me (being a Swede means that my meeting with Christians are very rare, unless they're old conservative people. Seeing so many believers here was kind of a surprise) I might have ignored the point of it.

Great thoughts.
If I might put my 2 cents in, I would say that if your intention is to do your magic for (the glory of) God, then Scripturally, the Christian is called to do their absolute best. Which means, if God has equipped you to use the particular talent of Magic to further his Kingdom, then you need to do it the best you can. In order to do that you need to consider your audience, and make your performance the best it can be. It needs to be a both and thing, not an either or > A magical experience AND letting God use it how he will.
Nov 11, 2009
No Orb you did not misunderstand I believe that God should be first in everything, that includes life , work, and magic. See, if I put Gods will before everything than I know that he will bless me for that (the bible tells me so:)
So if I put him first in magic and tell people about him and give him the glory than he will make sure everything goes right. And for all I know he may open the right doors for my magic career to take off

I know that God wants me to spread his word using the talent he gave me, which is magic
Nov 11, 2009
Great thoughts.
If I might put my 2 cents in, I would say that if your intention is to do your magic for (the glory of) God, then Scripturally, the Christian is called to do their absolute best. Which means, if God has equipped you to use the particular talent of Magic to further his Kingdom, then you need to do it the best you can. In order to do that you need to consider your audience, and make your performance the best it can be. It needs to be a both and thing, not an either or > A magical experience AND letting God use it how he will.

yes I agree :)
But of course God comes before the performance


Jul 19, 2009
Hmm I understand what you're getting at. But if we give the whole matter a new point of view.

If you wish to further his kingdom, you wish to reach out to more people, correct?
Then that must also mean that in order to get a larger audience, your main priority must be to please your audience, and make your performance magical.

I can tell that your ideology is to have God as a first priority in all matters, but if you in a way put your audience in a first priority, in order to gain a larger audience, you in a sense also put God as your first priority. Do you see where I'm getting at?

I'm trying to change your way of seeing things because I truly do believe that you should put your very focus on pleasing your audience with your magic. If your intentions of doing so is to be able to reach out to a larger audience, to spread the word of God, then so be it, you will still have amazing performances.

Try to incorporate your beliefs and messages into your magic, but if the decision between a longer pattern, or a more efficient effect comes up, pick the more efficient effect. You should still be able to do that, to be able to reach to a larger audience, to be able to... you get my point.

I'm just trying to be helpful in this matter and the first things that pops up to my mind when you say that you wish to "plant the seeds" are routines with long patterns that are overloaded with dead time.
Jan 26, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Vacation Bible School is a great place to incorporate magic with a gospel message. It can be great to illustrate the stories that the kids are learning.
for instance, I used a chain escape to illustrate the account of Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16). There are plenty of others as well.
Nov 11, 2009
first of all thanx for being calm
second I see what you are saying but I still disagree to a point
you see the way I see it its exactly the opposite
if I put God first than he will take care of the rest according to his will
even if it isnt exactly my will :)
Nov 11, 2009
Vacation Bible School is a great place to incorporate magic with a gospel message. It can be great to illustrate the stories that the kids are learning.
for instance, I used a chain escape to illustrate the account of Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16). There are plenty of others as well.

cool Thanx I appreciate it :)
Jun 7, 2008
DC area
Religion..................................................................................................................................................................... Magic

Here is magic and religion. They are separated. Lets keep it that way.
Nov 11, 2009
Religion..................................................................................................................................................................... Magic

Here is magic and religion. They are separated. Lets keep it that way.

hey man what was the point of that?
you are the 4th or 5th person to say that so far if you dont agree with it than please just dont post :)

Thanks and God bless,


Jul 19, 2009
Religion..................................................................................................................................................................... Magic

Here is magic and religion. They are separated. Lets keep it that way.
Thanks for your enlightened and elaborated theory. I'm going to assume you're a atheist, it makes me cringe to know that we're supposedly on the same side.

Now seeing as you have 1.6k posts and still have not realized that magic is an art, is indeed intimidating. For a heavily religious person to be able to express himself through his magic (Art), it will require him to incorporate his beliefs. Now if it's to spread a message or express yourself in other manners can be discussed what's efficient and what's not. But seeing as you decided for a tounge-in-cheek explanation, I wouldn't know what you mean.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Hmm I understand what you're getting at. But if we give the whole matter a new point of view.

If you wish to further his kingdom, you wish to reach out to more people, correct?
Then that must also mean that in order to get a larger audience, your main priority must be to please your audience, and make your performance magical.

I can tell that your ideology is to have God as a first priority in all matters, but if you in a way put your audience in a first priority, in order to gain a larger audience, you in a sense also put God as your first priority. Do you see where I'm getting at?

I'm trying to change your way of seeing things because I truly do believe that you should put your very focus on pleasing your audience with your magic. If your intentions of doing so is to be able to reach out to a larger audience, to spread the word of God, then so be it, you will still have amazing performances.

Try to incorporate your beliefs and messages into your magic, but if the decision between a longer pattern, or a more efficient effect comes up, pick the more efficient effect. You should still be able to do that, to be able to reach to a larger audience, to be able to... you get my point.

I'm just trying to be helpful in this matter and the first things that pops up to my mind when you say that you wish to "plant the seeds" are routines with long patterns that are overloaded with dead time.

I think you nailed it.

I would add the following:
1. God doesn't really care about numbers per se. Sometimes in ministry (which this would be), numbers need to be the least of our worries.

this means that

2. the focus should be on a) the quality of what we are doing, and b) relying on God for his empowering for ministry.

3. God wants us to do our best. We must focus on performing the best we can, as long as it brings glory to God, and doesn't bring us into sin. But as long as we are not headed into sin, then we are able to do what we can to make our performance the absolute best.

(theologically this would fall under the God's will:moral vs sovereign area)


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
i think its wrong to use magic in that why. u are lying to people mixed with religion. deception should never be a way to bring someone to a religion.

Do you really think magic is evil? Do you think it is such a bad thing that morally someone should feel bad about using it? Because that is what your post implies.

I feel that with magic, the mechanics are hidden, but the experience is real. It is done for entertainment (or in the case of Gospel Magic, teaching) purposes.

It's like using an object lesson to teach a concept. (That is assuming you are doing Gospel magic). It would be exactly the same as making a movie with actors. (gasp! the actors are lying, they are not really who they are portraying!)

I think your comment makes assumptions about magic that are unfair.

...Why? Religion has been doing it for years.

dig. But just because a few people have done (do) it, does not make it right, nor does it make it something Christianity teaches. So an unfair and generalized comment.

In terms of other religions (which I am no expert on), I don't know to what degree magic was used, but I do know there is mention of Simon the Sorcerer in the book of Acts. He used magic tricks to get a great crowd of followers to himself. When the apostles came and were doing things beyond magic tricks, the power hungry Simon wanted to buy the ability.
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