t11.bulletin :: Andrei Jikh - The Countdown to GENESIS

Jun 16, 2008

I CAN NOT WAIT ... F****

SOON?????? what does soon mean???...like 2 weeks?..or more ?? or less..or...AAAHHH I`M EXCITED :D

ANDREI is a rockstar !!!

Deleted member 2755


I CAN NOT WAIT ... F****

SOON?????? what does soon mean???...like 2 weeks?..or more ?? or less..or...AAAHHH I`M EXCITED :D

ANDREI is a rockstar !!!

...Someone is a little TOO excited. :rolleyes:

Anyway, soon can span from 5 days to 5 years. We shall see.:)



ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Screenshot of the day, fresh from the presentation portion of the DVD:


  • AndreiSH-04.jpg
    76 KB · Views: 158
Sep 1, 2007

It will be interesting to see how well this competes with the Anaconda DVD.

Deleted member 2755


It will be interesting to see how well this competes with the Anaconda DVD.

I don't think it's much of a competiton. Almost everyone will get the Anaconda because... Well it's AWESOME! Eye Cut is a nice bonus too. Andrei's DVD will be awesome because it will have a bunch of different awesome cuts. I'm pumped for both as they will both be equally awesome.

Sep 1, 2007
Eye Cut isn't gonna be on the Anaconda dvd.

I think its definently competition. Both parties are trying to make money, and with products with the same genre its fair to say some will choose one over the other. It will be interesting to see which gets better reviews. Its not a bad thing. I know its not a battle, and both are aiming for the same thing, I just like the fact that they are both releasing near each other. Kind of like a "Who Tops Who?" type of thing. Just my 2 cents.

Deleted member 2755

Eye Cut isn't gonna be on the Anaconda dvd.

I think its definently competition. Both parties are trying to make money, and with products with the same genre its fair to say some will choose one over the other. It will be interesting to see which gets better reviews. Its not a bad thing. I know its not a battle, and both are aiming for the same thing, I just like the fact that they are both releasing near each other. Kind of like a "Who Tops Who?" type of thing. Just my 2 cents.

True. I think most people will get both as will I. Just not sure which one I'll get first. Depends on release dates and if I have money which I rarely ever do anymore. ;) Both discs are must gets for me though. Anaconda I'll do in every magic performance... Andrei's stuff will be eye candy mainly and fun to practice.

Also, I could had sworn that I read the Eye Cut will be on the DVD...



Elite Member
Jun 22, 2008
Been waiting since forever :d finally :d

wow i really want them to release it on blu-ray true hd :d or downloadable with hd resolution :d

jikh you roooooooooooock
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Virts have said multiple times that the Eye Cut will be on it.

Actually, they will be separated. But you will get a massive discount on the Eye Cut if you buy it with Anaconda DVD. There will also be a Soundtrack DVD...

I really hope that Andrei's DVD is going to be in Download format also, and that it will be up for a long time (unlike the Anaconda DVD).
May 18, 2008
Been waiting since forever :d finally :d

wow i really want them to release it on blu-ray true hd :d or downloadable with hd resolution :d

jikh you roooooooooooock

I don't know about Blu-Ray, but if you download a DVD from T11, it is ALWAYS TRUE 1080p quality.

The 1on1's are as well. ;)


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Just to confirm, we do plan for GENESIS to be available in download format as of the time of this post. It will be a LARGE download (it fills up every spec of space a DVD can hold), but just to confirm - we do plan to do so.
Sep 1, 2007
Can you explain why your not releasing it just as one big set? I think everyone would much rather have everything at once then have to wait months for the next volume to come out. Anybody agree/disagree/have thoughts on this?


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Can you explain why your not releasing it just as one big set? I think everyone would much rather have everything at once then have to wait months for the next volume to come out. Anybody agree/disagree/have thoughts on this?

If we did it that way, you'd be waiting about a year. This is not two, three, ten or eleven moves - we're talking 70+ MOVES jam packed into a specific, calculated order, with each volume complementing and supplementing the previous. Each volume of the DVD set builds upon and expands upon the material contained in the previous. Nothing is held back - Andrei went all in to make this into something epic.
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