What are your favorite impromptu, gimmickless card tricks?

Apr 11, 2017
Hey! I have been doing street magic for about ten months now, and have a good repertoire of tricks to perform for people. Like any magician, however, I am again eager to learn some new stuff, but specifically impromptu card tricks I can perform with just a normal deck of cards- no gimmicks or major setup. What are your favorites, and/or where would you recommend to go looking for impromptu, normal deck card tricks?

Just to save everyone's time, I already know these impromptu, gimmickless card tricks:
-Ambitious card routine
-two-card Monte (and three-card, gimmicked and ungimmicked versions)
-David Blaine's "here-then-there" hand sandwich.
-Dynamo's card-to-mouth (

-David Blaine's twist on a three card transposition (performed on "Real Or Magic" and Jimmy Fallon:

-Daniel Madison's card-to-pocket (http://www.ellusionist.com/card-to-pocket-by-daniel-madison.html)
-Card-to-watch (card disappears from deck and reappears under spectator's watch)
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Oct 19, 2015
I find my PK ring that matches my wedding ring is something a wear and can always do some great impromptu tricks. Silverware in restaurants, aluminum cans, and a special 50 cent piece I carry add to the craziness...


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I find my PK ring that matches my wedding ring is something a wear and can always do some great impromptu tricks. Silverware in restaurants, aluminum cans, and a special 50 cent piece I carry add to the craziness...
I think he meant impromptu "card tricks only". :)

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
It looks like you have been learning a lot online. I'm glad you are enthusiastic but your descriptions of the tricks reveal one of the internet's biggest pitfalls. It's difficult to find a good legitimate source that has done their homework and is qualified to teach.

I just want to clarify, the background of some of these. It's important to know the actual sources and when possible learn them from their inventors. Also, if you look at the creators of these effects there is a bunch of other magic to be learned. Most of these guys have volumes of books and DVDs available with impromptu magic of all kinds.

The two card monte that David Blaine popularized is actually Eddie Fetcher's "Be Honest What is it?" The three card gimmicked version is Garrett Thomas's "Stand Up Monte". Garrett has been a writer and creator for David on most of his specials.

Here -then-there is actually John Carney's "Switchcraft". Scarne has a bunch of great books that outline awesome impromptu card tricks.

What you call Dynamo's Card to Mouth is actually Wayne Houchin's "French Kiss". Houchin was a creator for Criss Angel for quite some time.

The three card transposition was actually created by Paul Harris. It is called "Las Vegas Leaper". Paul Harris was a well known magic creator long before David Blaine was well known. He is one of David's mentors.
Jan 7, 2017
It looks like you have been learning a lot online. I'm glad you are enthusiastic but your descriptions of the tricks reveal one of the internet's biggest pitfalls. It's difficult to find a good legitimate source that has done their homework and is qualified to teach.

I just want to clarify, the background of some of these. It's important to know the actual sources and when possible learn them from their inventors. Also, if you look at the creators of these effects there is a bunch of other magic to be learned. Most of these guys have volumes of books and DVDs available with impromptu magic of all kinds.

The two card monte that David Blaine popularized is actually Eddie Fetcher's "Be Honest What is it?" The three card gimmicked version is Garrett Thomas's "Stand Up Monte". Garrett has been a writer and creator for David on most of his specials.

Here -then-there is actually John Carney's "Switchcraft". Scarne has a bunch of great books that outline awesome impromptu card tricks.

What you call Dynamo's Card to Mouth is actually Wayne Houchin's "French Kiss". Houchin was a creator for Criss Angel for quite some time.

The three card transposition was actually created by Paul Harris. It is called "Las Vegas Leaper". Paul Harris was a well known magic creator long before David Blaine was well known. He is one of David's mentors.
Thanks for saying this. I was going to but it would have taken way too much time since I'm already running late!
Apr 11, 2017
It looks like you have been learning a lot online. I'm glad you are enthusiastic but your descriptions of the tricks reveal one of the internet's biggest pitfalls. It's difficult to find a good legitimate source that has done their homework and is qualified to teach.

I just want to clarify, the background of some of these. It's important to know the actual sources and when possible learn them from their inventors. Also, if you look at the creators of these effects there is a bunch of other magic to be learned. Most of these guys have volumes of books and DVDs available with impromptu magic of all kinds.

The two card monte that David Blaine popularized is actually Eddie Fetcher's "Be Honest What is it?" The three card gimmicked version is Garrett Thomas's "Stand Up Monte". Garrett has been a writer and creator for David on most of his specials.

Here -then-there is actually John Carney's "Switchcraft". Scarne has a bunch of great books that outline awesome impromptu card tricks.

What you call Dynamo's Card to Mouth is actually Wayne Houchin's "French Kiss". Houchin was a creator for Criss Angel for quite some time.

The three card transposition was actually created by Paul Harris. It is called "Las Vegas Leaper". Paul Harris was a well known magic creator long before David Blaine was well known. He is one of David's mentors.
I had no idea! I'll make sure to try and source better in the future. You are right as well, most of my learning has been done online, but I will soon be finally be picking up The Expert at the Card Table to get some more classic technique-based learning


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Anything I do with cards has to be done without gimmicks, using only a regular deck. I don't mind having to do a setup ahead of time (Like for memdeck work) but for the most part I do everything FASDIU.

I will still occasionally use a variation of Poker Player's Picnic, ACR, Asi Wind's Double Exposure, something I call the Psychic Game, and a couple routines from Tony Chang.
Jan 26, 2017
I personally love messing around with moves and discovering my own tricks. Sometimes, I build on tricks I already know. I also do things to turn non impromptu tricks into impromptu ones.
Eg. I took the trick that DB performed in street magic where he had the spectator select a card, chose his own card, put his card in the spectators hand and the 2 cards switched places, and made it impromptu (it previously required a d********). I then developed it to become a card to pocket - transpo mix.

Just play around :)

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Anything I do with cards has to be done without gimmicks, using only a regular deck. I don't mind having to do a setup ahead of time (Like for memdeck work) but for the most part I do everything FASDIU.

I will still occasionally use a variation of Poker Player's Picnic, ACR, Asi Wind's Double Exposure, something I call the Psychic Game, and a couple routines from Tony Chang.

I'm similar. I will use gaffs casually with friends and family but in my performances I have a bunch of props in my pockets and have a hard time keeping things straight as is.

My exceptions to this are Twilight Angels and Anniversary Waltz depending on the venue. I will also put a duplicate in the deck or a stranger card from time to time.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I had no idea! I'll make sure to try and source better in the future. You are right as well, most of my learning has been done online, but I will soon be finally be picking up The Expert at the Card Table to get some more classic technique-based learning

I think that the fastest way to become a good magician really quickly is to live with a book for a year. This means to chose a good book like Expert Card Technique, Royal Road or possibly Expert at the Card Table and get to know every trick in it. Word of Warning, The Expert at the card table is a classic but it is difficult to learn magic from.

Try to perform each trick at least once, if you like it or are curious about something make sure to perform it for a kind friend who can help you out. By the end of the exercise you will have all sorts of skills and knowledge.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
in my performances I have a bunch of props in my pockets and have a hard time keeping things straight as is.

I have what could rightfully be called an irrational dislike of having a lot of stuff in my pockets. As such, even in performances, I use as few props as possible and very few gimmicks. We're talking, an hour long show will fit comfortably in one or two shoe-box sized containers.

For a walk around thing I would have no more than one thing (as in anything I needed to do a routine) in any given pocket, probably with two or three empty pockets. Usually I take 3 set routines and will do some jazz with suggestion and hypnosis.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I have what could rightfully be called an irrational dislike of having a lot of stuff in my pockets. As such, even in performances, I use as few props as possible and very few gimmicks. We're talking, an hour long show will fit comfortably in one or two shoe-box sized containers.

For a walk around thing I would have no more than one thing (as in anything I needed to do a routine) in any given pocket, probably with two or three empty pockets. Usually I take 3 set routines and will do some jazz with suggestion and hypnosis.

I'd love to have the flexibility of a stand-up comic where I arrive at the venue and all I need is a microphone and an audience to put on an hour long show. I'm getting there but I may never attain it.
Feb 18, 2015
David Williamson's Torn and Restored Transpo with One Card (no dupes) That utilizes the top change. I found it is a bit more powerful than the David Blaine Here + There/Switchcraft, though similar in effect.
Any of Earnest Earick's work.
Angle Z w/ Classic Force into watch. OR thought of card to watch (Load then culling named card, then MCF, then the switch.)
Also enjoy Pop Hayden's Chicago Opener.
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Sloppy Triumph, Clutch from Oz Pearlman, & the Biddle Trick are 3 of my favorites that play quite nicely.

Oh man, clutch is SO good.

I'd love to have the flexibility of a stand-up comic where I arrive at the venue and all I need is a microphone and an audience to put on an hour long show. I'm getting there but I may never attain it.

Man I agree, that'd be great. Towards the end of last year I did a 25 minute set with just a briefcase on a bar stool and a mic. People told me how much they liked that it felt like a stand up comedy performance but with really good magic.

I like props too much and sort of have a fascination with the idea of an interesting looking stage, so I don't really care for my production show I'm working on. But one of my goals is to put together at least 35 minutes, up to an hour, that only takes up maybe a small portion of my backpack so I have a show literally any time I see an opportunity or maybe get in a pinch or something.

On that note, I should probably contribute to the initial question...

Most (95%) of the card magic I perform is impromptu, from a shuffled pack. Every now and then I'll use gaffs or a card gimmick, but not regularly (for instance anniversary waltz or flash flight). One thing I do ALWAYS have is at least one if not two dupes. There are a some SERIOUS miracles you can pull of with just a single duplicate card. In a pinch you can use matching jokers too.

Here are some impromptu, no dupes routines I really like:

Clutch, as mentioned by Rick, is amazing.

An Invisible Thread by Helder Guimaraes is one of my favorites and a go to for a long time now.

Reswindled by Caleb Wiles is another reset routine I REALLY like. I almost stopped doing An Invisible Thread entirely, but I couldn't - it's just too good. They both are and in fact, reswindled is Paul Harris favorite version of his own routine lol

I do a triumph routine based around time travel. And then sometimes double exposure, which has also been mentioned and is also really good.

There's a routine I do where one person picks a card and their friend tells them what it is, twice. It won't fool the whole room but for that one person, it's brilliant. For the rest of the room, it's either funny or amazing - some people might see the working but it doesn't really matter for this one. I wish I could remember where I learned it.

Ambitious Card is really good but not because its ambitious card but because it gets one card signed, start with ACR and then I can jazz like crazy. Card to mouth, card under glass, card on shoulder, transpos, card under watch, etc. It's really fun when you eventually try to move onto something else but then nobody can pick anything other than the signed card lol.

There's so many more but I've got to get back to work for now!

JK just remembered a big one. Con-Cam-Coincidencia by Paul Wilson is one of the strongest impromptu borrowed deck effects I've ever come across. It takes a few minutes to perform, you need 3 spectators, a table, and good audience management to pull off so it's sort of situational and not one I always do. But when I do. Oh man. I literally cannot do anything else after it it's so strong. There really isn't much in my repertoire that can top it.
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Jan 26, 2017
One more thing: Impromptu Mind reading is super handy for various occasions. A simple peak will let you work wonders with a crowd. Its helped me get through some tight situations.
Feb 1, 2017
I had no idea! I'll make sure to try and source better in the future. You are right as well, most of my learning has been done online, but I will soon be finally be picking up The Expert at the Card Table to get some more classic technique-based learning

There are better books if you want to learn stuff with cards.
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